MORAL STORY ''The Helpful Squirrel''

MORAL STORY ''The Helpful Squirrel''

In a cozy forest, there lived a little squirrel named Momo. Momo loved collecting nuts and exploring the woods. One sunny day, Momo noticed a family of birds struggling to build their nest.

The beautiful birds chirped, "We need twigs for our nest, but they're too high for us to reach!"

Momo, with nimble feet and a kind heart, sprang into action. Gathering twigs from low branches, Momo offered them to the birds.

MORAL STORY ''The Helpful Squirrel''
The Helpful Squirrel
"Thank you, Momo! You're so kind and humble," After that birds sang the happily as they built their cozy nest.

Momo felt glad for help. But soon, Momo realized that the nut supply was low. Worrying about winter approaching, Momo decided to ask for help.

"Dear friends," Momo said to the other animals, "Can we collect nuts together for the cold months?"

The animals agreed, and together they gathered enough nuts to share among themselves.

From that day, Momo learned that helping others brings joy and that working together can solve big problems. Momo and the animals shared not just nuts but also friendship, making the forest a happier place.

Moral of the story: ''We should help each other to live Happy'' 

I tried to findout best moral line of this story. So if you have a moral line in your mind better than this so mention in comments. Thank you.

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