What is pollution?and what are its types?

What is pollution and what are its types?
What is pollution and what are its types?

Contamination of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the discharge of pernicious substances, undesirable change in the air, water, and land is called pollution and the substances that cause pollution are called pollutants. The main source of pollution is human activities. There are different kinds of pollution and these are mentioned below:

1. Air Pollution.

What is pollution and what are its types?

Air supplies us with oxygen which is prerequisite for our bodies to live. Air is made up of 99.9% nitrogen, oxygen, water vapors and gases. Air pollution is caused by the release of gases, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen Oxides, and chemical vapors produced by industry and motor vehicles. The exhaust from burning fuels in vehicles, homes, and industries could be a major source of pollution within the air.

Some concerned authorities believe that even the burning of wood and charcoal can release important quantities of soot into the air. There is indoor pollution also which also needs to be considered. Indoor pollution is inside our homes as well as offices, and schools. Some of these pollutants can be generated by indoor activities such as cooking and smoking. Our exposure to unhealthy indoor pollutants can be serious.

2. Water Pollution.

What is pollution and what are its types?

Water covers 71% of the earth's surface and makes up 65 % of our bodies. Everyone wants pure water to drink and if water becomes polluted. It can become a risk to our health and to the survival of the fish living in it and the used water is called wastewater or sewage. If it is not treated before being discharged into waterways so result could be serious pollution. Water pollution appear also when rain water runs off from urban and industrial areas and from agricultural land and mining operations and makes its way back to rivers, lakes, and oceans and into the ground.
3. Soil Pollution.

What is pollution and what are its types?

Soil is a basic natural resource. Soil pollution happens once chemicals are discharged by spill or underground discharge. Most important pollutants of soil are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons. So we can say that contamination of the soil is caused mainly by solid and liquid residues and contaminated water. In result Soil pollution can desertification destruction of the vegetation cover etc.

4 Noise Pollution.
What is pollution and what are its types?

Noise pollution comprises aircraft noise, roadway noise, industrial noise and high-intensity sonar.. Sonorous pollution is produced by sounds, noises, or vibrations. Noise pollution can cause loss of physical and mental ailments such as in irritability, depression, heart problems, etc.

5 Visual Pollution.
What is pollution and what are its types?

Visual pollution indicates the presence of overhead power lines. Billboards and open storage of trash or municipal solid waste are the cause of degradation of natural or artificial environment and is visually annoying.

6 Radioactive Pollution.
What is pollution and what are its types?

Radioactive pollution is results from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear weapons research and production, nuclear power generation, manufacture and deployment. Exposure to radioactive pollution can cause damage to a live tissue, cause leukemia, tumors hair logs, diminution of life's expectation, genetic disorders, lesions, etc.


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