What are the Benefits of Internet for Business Organization?

Benefits of Internet for Business Organization:
Some vital benefits of Internet for business organization are described below:
• Marketing and Advertising:
Business organization can use the Internet to market and advertise products all over the world. The use of famous websites is an effective way of introducing a product to the customers.
• Providing Customer Services:
A business organization can interact with the customers using the Internet. The businessman can discuss different issues about their products. He can also deal with their complaints arid provide different services to them.
Benefits of Internet for Business Organizatian
• Online Trading: Online trading is a process of conducting business using the internet a business organization can do all trading activities electronically. The products can be display On the website where the customer can buy these products. The customers can also pay by credit card, It is and easier and quicker way of trading.
• Wider Customers Base: Organizations at distant places can interact with customers. The world can be their customer. It provides a wider customers base for any business organization.
• Competitive Advantage: Companies using Internet service in business domain are more competitive because they can offer their products and services to more customers well in time.

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