The Ghost and the Monkey King Moral Story

 The Ghost and the Monkey King

A group of monkeys lived in a dense forest. The king of monkeys was very wise. His group was called together by him one day.

The Ghost and the Monkey King Moral Story

My dear monkeys, we are lucky to live in this beautiful forest, but beware! Trees and plants may be green and lush, but they bear many poisonous fruits. Pools may be clear, sparkling water, but one of them harbors a ghost. Therefore, do not eat or drink anything without asking me first.

The next day a monkey felt thirsty. He remembered the king's words and went to talk to him.

'Don't worry, child!' said the king. 'I will investigate the pond to see if it is safe'.

As he approached the pond, he saw huge footsteps going in but not coming out. The king came to the conclusion that the ghost was hidden here. The monkeys started to weep, unsure of how they would get the water to drink. The king consoled them and went to confront the ghost.

The Ghost and the Monkey King Moral Story

With a giggle, the ghost said, "Monkey King, you are in serious trouble!" "My food will be your monkeys if they fall into the pond." They will starve to death if they don't! The king thought at that time, ''I must find a solution.''

He asked his monkeys to collect pieces of bamboo. By connecting hollow bamboo sticks together, he made a large pipe that sucked the water from the pond. Monkeys were able to drink to their heart's desire.

The Ghost and the Monkey King Moral Story

'All hail the Monkey King!' chanted the monkeys.

With an ill-humored expression, the ghost vanquished by the wise monkey king returned to the pond.

Moral Story: Never give up when things get tough, be patient and smart like the monkey king.

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